College & Career Success
Helping students thrive in school, work, and life.

Rightwise Prep delivers essential education programs and tools
to help students in grades 8th through 12th successfully navigate the high school-to-college transition process and get into the right college, study for the right career, and graduate in four years.
Rightwise Prep's evidence-based models have provided unmatched measurable outcomes for the thousands of students and parents we proudly serve.

Self Discovery assessments
Helping students understand their interests and abilities builds confidence while helping them prepare successfully for their future. Rightwise Prep’s assessments provide middle and high school students an opportunity to discover how the things they like to do can transform into a rewarding career.
Rightwise Prep’s fun and engaging career assessments help your students confidently explore viable career paths based on what they like, what they do well, and what motivates them to succeed, effectively putting them in charge of achieving their dreams.
Our Assessments help students:
Understand the unique paths where they can excel
Identify career areas that utilize their strongest qualities
Connect their preferences, abilities, and values to specific careers
Develop self-awareness and confidence in their current and future decisions

Career Exploration
Studies show that students who receive formal career counseling beginning as early as the eighth grade are twice as likely to graduate college in four years – saving time and money.
Rightwise Prep’s engaging career exploration tools and proven methodology provide a clear path for your students to learn about exciting careers that align with their strengths. We’ll guide them on how to refine their objectives as they move towards high school graduation and on to college. Our easy-to-follow process helps them confirm their future goals through interactive career exploration and real-world experiences. These steps motivate them to do well now in their school work as they prepare for a rewarding college experience and future career.
We believe that students who are excited about a career path connect to their college goals with greater determination and can be empowered to achieve academic excellence.
Our program was designed specifically by Rightwise Prep’s experts to help middle and high school students make those vital connections between having a dream and making it happen.
Students and their parents have anytime access to review career profiles and see how they line up with their own career assessment results.
Rightwise Prep’s extensive career library provides detailed information on careers, including education requirements, interviews, future job forecasts and much more. This information is delivered in an engaging and fun way to create excitement about their future.
Custom career lists are developed based on each student’s self-discovery assessments and other input for the family to explore.
Students are guided on how to refine their career list as they progress through high school.
Students learn to job shadow and do career interviews to get real-world experience and confirm their career goals.

College and Career Preparation
We are not just focused on getting a student into college, we’re focused on getting a student into the right college, studying for the right career, and graduating in four years saving them both time and money.
We believe every student is unique with their own strengths, abilities, and goals. Rightwise Prep provides an easy to follow customized career and college planning program personalized to each student, which walks them and their parents step-by-step towards getting into the right college, studying the right major, and on to the right career for them.
Our integrated system provides the perfect blend of people, platform, and program to deliver personalized guidance that your students and their parents will find engaging and easy to follow helping them save time and reduce stress.
Students and parents have password-protected access to work together on their student’s future.
Timely email reminders to ensure all students and parents accomplish key action items and stay on track.
Step-by-step guidance to ensure both students and their parents know what to do next, when, how, and why it’s important.
Custom college lists focused on each student’s specific interests, aptitudes, career, and personal goals.
Detailed college and career profiles to help students refine their future goals and properly work towards admissions at their best-fit colleges.
Expansive video and resource library designed to help educate both students and parents on all aspects of the high school to college transition process.

Admissions Test Prep
Rightwise Prep provides test preparation solutions for the PSAT/NMSQT®, SAT®, and ACT® tests that are combined with our proven methodology to help students achieve their best score without cramming or creating additional stress.
Most four-year colleges require that students take either the SAT or ACT admissions test and over half give it considerable importance in admission decisions. At some colleges, low test scores can put students in the deny column immediately, while at others test scores are just one piece of the puzzle. In addition to admission consideration, these tests are also used for scholarship consideration—so doing well is important on many fronts.
Because of the importance of these tests for both admission and scholarships, many kids are anxious about taking them. Our program helps them overcome these anxieties and perform well their first time.
Students are already overscheduled with schoolwork and extracurricular activities without the added burden of hours upon hours of test preparation.
Rightwise Prep provides an efficient and effective approach to test prep. Our fun, online program uses adaptive learning to create a customized curriculum for each student to maximize their preparation time allowing them to work smarter, not harder in conquering the tests.
Engaging Test Prep for the PSAT/NMSQT®, SAT®, and ACT®.
Proven methodology for conquering admissions tests with a stress-free, self-paced approached that leads to greater confidence and skill mastery.
Rightwise Prep’s test prep incorporates adaptive learning to develop customized curriculums for each student based on their strengths and weaknesses that increases the efficiency of the prep time allowing them to maintain their strong skills while focusing on areas that need improvement.
Dedicated parent access allows parents be a part of the process so they know when to push, when to encourage, and when to praise.
Used by thousands of students with average increases of SAT scores of 200 points, and 2-3 points on the ACT.

Comprehensive Services
Rightwise Prep provides comprehensive support services, consulting, and custom program development to help your organization deliver the very best college and career readiness solutions for the students and families you serve.
Augmented college and career counseling services to support your organizations objectives for increasing college and career readiness and degree attainment among your student population.
Implementation consulting to leverage Rightwise Prep’s platforms and curriculum to enhance your existing college and career counseling program.
Custom curriculum and software development to assist your team in creating online and blended programs to meet the unique needs of your students and parents.